Writing Services
Professionally Written Documents, Statements of Purpose, & Social Profiles
Impress your audience with well-written documents that reflect your expertise and experience.
Resumes & CVs
A professionally written resume or Curriculum Vitae will help you “rise to the top” of the recruiter’s pile, with targeted content that reflects your experience, skills, accomplishments, and impact. All resumes and CVs are tested for performance using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) emulator and refined to increase your odds of making it through these electronic gatekeepers and onto the recruiter’s desk.
Statements of Purpose
Catch the attention of graduate and professional school admissions officers with a high-impact essay that showcases your academic achievement and life experiences, as well as your motivations for further study and future professional achievement. I work with each client to explore their motivations and educational goals, tell their stories with impact, draw the reader into their world, and recognize their potential for success in the academic program of their choice.
LinkedIn Profiles
An optimized LinkedIn profile will perform better in recruiter searches and help you expand your professional network. I help clients create profiles that highlight their experience, skills, projects, and achievements. Coaching is also available to help clients understand how to leverage their social networks for professional networking and advancement.
Biography statements are a great way to introduce yourself. Whether you are networking at a professional association conference, have a speaking engagement, or are conducting cold outreach to find partners for your project or business, a professional biography can “whet the appetite” of your audience, resulting in their desire to learn more about you.
“Sean did a fantastic job helping me improve my resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile! We looked at specific jobs that interested me and molded my professional materials to convey how well-suited I was for those positions. I now have a very strong professional portfolio that I am extremely proud of. I highly recommend Sean’s services!”